Life Insurance and Annuity High Potential Development
Case Study Summary
A large life insurance and annuity firm developed a multi-month learning journey for their next generation of potential senior leaders. Each program participant would broaden their exposure and engage with every area of the business, receive support and council from executive experts, and learn during intensive workshops and seminars. Every element of the program was directly linked to the business’ strategy and aims. To maximize ROI, each participant was accountable to application and extension of their learning back on the job.
The Solution
The finance and accounting for life and annuity firms is unique. Due to their obligations to policyowners and other key stakeholders, the client and I collaborated with IndustryMasters™ to provide a custom-built bespoke Life and Annuity Business Simulation with financial information presented using Statutory Accounting rules.
Teams of program participants were challenged to maximize ROE and minimize risk for policyowners and plan participants. Through the simulation, they learned to model financial and non-financial benefits of operations improvements, investment management, client satisfaction, asset retention, and more.
All along, the simulation provided participants with a real-world dashboard of business performance. Participants could practice their analysis skills and role-play business briefings and quarterly results summaries, just like in real-life.
The Results
Participants reported that the experience opened their eyes to the big picture of their business, the fiduciary responsibility they have, and the complexities everyone is managing. In addition, participants found these take-aways most valuable:
Understanding the levers to drive business results, that is, if we need to address a specific weakness on the dashboard, we can now determine the changes needed to do so.
The downstream impacts and tradeoffs of various decisions (taken and untaken) made in the company.
The importance of talented people, strategic risk taking (and risk mitigation) and the overall impact of communication across the leadership team.