Finance Seminars & Workshops
There are times when you need immediate guidance on business, finance, and the big picture of your company. This is where finance seminars come in. I focus on finance for those who are not accountants or financial leaders but need to consume and interpret financial information to do their jobs.
My finance workshops are ready-now and can be tailored to fit your industry in general and your business in particular.
My workshop "What Your Boss Needs You to Know" (WYBNYTK) has already been tailored to agriculture, banking, manufacturing, healthcare, engineering, consulting, insurance, and non-profit clients.
Through these intentional learning programs, leaders can learn how to better use financial and managerial accounting information to do their jobs more effectively.
Read about use cases here:
Featuring: The Five Business Factors, Fluency Builders, and more.
Featuring: The Planning and Budgeting Simulation, Capital Investment Case Study, and more